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In addition to facilitating communication among existing community groups and projects, BRIM has a few projects of its own on the go:

Monthly Repair Cafe: On the third Saturday of each month (except July and December) a group of talented volunteers gather at the Mission Library to help people repair broken items, rather than throwing them away. Learn more here.

Sue Big Oil: The big oil companies have known, from their own scientists, since 1959 that their products would lead to climate change and destructive weather patterns. But they chose to deceive the public. Now individuals and governments at all levels are faced with paying for the costs of adaptation to, and recovery from, the resulting weather disasters. A group of Mission citizens, members of BRIM, are trying to persuade the Mission City Council to join a province-wide class-action law suit to recover some of our community’s costs. Learn more here.

Creating a Community Farm: Another group of citizens is looking for suitable land on which to create a community farm. This will be a co-op venture using regenerative farming practices. The goal is to provide young aspiring farmers with opportunities to learn and establish themselves. Learn more here.

Climate Solutions Talks: Nicole Bellay presents talks describing actions individuals can take to reduce their carbon footprints. Learn more here.

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